A Shelter Like Home
Creating semi-permanent living through contemporary making techniques in Zaatari Refugee Camp of Jordan The conventional design and planning approach of a refugee shelter includes quick and cheap fabrication, urban quality, health and safety parameters, modularity and transportability as well as temporality. This proposal aims at challenging this approach by questioning the following subjects. -Semi- temporality -Familiarity and Intimacy -A refugee camp like a hometown -Scale -The healing properties of aesthetics through complexity -Intricacy -An interlinked materiality and structure with the installation process of a shelter -Adaptability There are two scales of modularity in this proposal; a cluster scale modularity and a unit scale modularity. Cluster scale modularity refers to the freedom to choose number of units per cluster. Unit scale modularity refers to the number of beds per unit. Through this two type of scale, the proposal adapts to variety of conditions like a growing family, or a large family who likes to live in the same cluster without outsiders. A cluster provides communal showers, communal kitchen, personal gardening areas, a courtyard, shading areas, and an optional safety gate. Security is one of the main problems in refugee camps. Providing a garden for the children of the same family, and creating an architecture where they can easily be observed by their parents is one of the main aims of this cluster concept.